Wednesday, October 31, 2018

What fitness means?

According to  dictionary fitness means "the condition of being physically fit and healthy."
According to united states department of health and human service , physical fitness means "a set of attribute that people need to achieve that relate to the ability to perform physical activity."

According to Marriam -Webster dictionary fitness means "sound physically and mentally."

According for Center for disease control and Prevention, Physical fitness is defined as "Ability to carry out daily task with vigor and alertness without undue fatigue and with ample energy to enjoy leisure time persuits and respond to emergency."

But this is a literary meaning  not understandable by lay men or being comprehencible by general public so to make it understandable I have broken it into various parts.

These are as follows-:

1. Fitness means being fit .
2. Fitness means good body shape.
3. Fitness means healthy life.
4. Fitness means loving your body and maintaining it.
6. Fitness includes hiking, and these kind of thing.
7. Fitness include getting from bed and these kind of thing.
8. Fitness include all thing we do.
9. Fitness include all kind of sports.

  So fitness is all thing you do to maintain your body.


Tell me in the comment section that what type of work you do to be fit.

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